вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Puzzle game for Unity3D in C#

The idea of this 2D game is as follows: Given a 800*600 image, a custom unity plugin splits into pieces (say, 4) in edit mode and then randomly shuffles pieces around the gameboard. In run-time user has to drag and drop pieces into its original position with mouse. If original image is assembled, the goal of the game is achieved and game setup is restarted (pieces shuffled again).

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Script that handles game logic
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;

public class DragIt : MonoBehaviour {
 public GameObject winImage;
 private Ray ray;
 private RaycastHit hit;
 private bool dragging=false;
 private GameObject draggingObject = null;
 private GameObject targetObject = null;
 private Color savedColor;
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () {
  if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
   ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
   if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) {
    if (!dragging) {
     dragging = true;
     draggingObject = hit.transform.gameObject;
    if (dragging) {
     draggingObject.transform.position = new Vector3(hit.point.x,hit.point.y,200);
     // calculate distance to all pieces, except current object
     var pieces = Helper.IteratePieces().Where (p=>p!=draggingObject).ToList();
     var distances = pieces.Select(p=>Vector3.Distance(p.transform.position,draggingObject.transform.position)).ToList();
     var minDistance = distances.Min(); // get minimum distance
     // check distance between current position and original position 
     PositionData storage = draggingObject.GetComponent();
     var currentDistance = Vector3.Distance(storage.ShuffledPosition,draggingObject.transform.position);
     GameObject targetObjectNew=null;
     if (currentDistance < minDistance)
      targetObjectNew = draggingObject;
     else {
      var index = distances.IndexOf(minDistance);
      targetObjectNew = pieces[index];
     //Debug.Log("Distances: " + Helper.ToString(distances) + ", target " + targetObjectNew.name + " min distance: " + minDistance + ", current distance: " + currentDistance);
     // target object changed
     if (targetObjectNew != targetObject) {
      //Debug.Log("Distances: " + Helper.ToString(distances) + ", target " + targetObjectNew.name + " min distance: " + minDistance + "current distance: " + currentDistance);
      Debug.Log("Switch to  "  + targetObjectNew.name );
      if (targetObject!=null && targetObject != draggingObject ) {
       targetObject.renderer.material.color = savedColor;
       //Debug.Log("Restored color for "  + targetObject.name + " to " + savedColor.ToString() );
      if (targetObjectNew != draggingObject) {
       // highlight target object
       savedColor = targetObjectNew.renderer.material.color;
       targetObjectNew.renderer.material.color = Color.green;
      targetObject = targetObjectNew;
  } else if (dragging) {
   dragging = false; // dropping
   PositionData storageSource = draggingObject.GetComponent();
   // reset target object position, if it is the same object
   if (targetObject==draggingObject)
    draggingObject.transform.position = storageSource.ShuffledPosition;
   else {
    // restore color
    if (targetObject!=null)
     targetObject.renderer.material.color = savedColor;
    PositionData storageTarget = targetObject.GetComponent();
    // swap positions between source and target
    targetObject.transform.position = storageSource.ShuffledPosition;
    draggingObject.transform.position = storageTarget.ShuffledPosition;
    // store new positions
    storageSource.ShuffledPosition = draggingObject.transform.position;
    storageTarget.ShuffledPosition = targetObject.transform.position;
    // check win condition and notify by color blinking
    if (!CheckWinCondition()) 
     if (draggingObject.transform.position == storageSource.OriginalPosition)
      StartCoroutine(Blink (Color.green, draggingObject));
      StartCoroutine(Blink (Color.red, draggingObject));
     if (targetObject.transform.position == storageTarget.OriginalPosition)
      StartCoroutine( Blink (Color.green, targetObject));
      StartCoroutine(Blink (Color.red, targetObject));
   Debug.Log("Dropped  "  + targetObject.name );
   targetObject = null;
   draggingObject = null;
 bool CheckWinCondition() {
  bool win = Helper.IteratePieces().Select(o=>o.GetComponent()).All(d=>d.OriginalPosition==d.ShuffledPosition);
  if (win) {
   StartCoroutine(Win ());
  return win;
 /// Blink with the specified color for a given game object.
 /// Color.
 /// Go.
 IEnumerator Blink(Color color, GameObject go) {
  Color savedcolor = go.renderer.material.color;
  for(int i=0;i<=2;i++) {
   yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
   go.renderer.material.color = color;
   yield return new WaitForSeconds(.25f);
   go.renderer.material.color = savedcolor;
 IEnumerator Win() {
  Helper.IteratePieces().ToList().ForEach(o=>StartCoroutine(Blink (Color.green, o)));
  yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);
  if (winImage!=null)
   Debug.LogError("WinImage not found");
  // enjoy a "GAME WON" title for a moment and restart a game
  yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f);
  if (winImage!=null)

Unity plugin source code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Linq;

public class CreatePuzzle : ScriptableWizard {

 public Texture2D Picture;
 public int N=2;
 [MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Puzzle")]
    static void CreateWizard()
        ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Create Puzzle",typeof(CreatePuzzle));
 void OnWizardCreate()
  int width = Picture.width;
  int height = Picture.height;
  Debug.Log("wh: " + width + "/" + height);
  for(int x=1;x<=N;x++)
   for(int y=1;y<=N;y++) {
    int xPiece = Convert.ToInt32(width*x/(float)N - width/2f - width/2f/N);
    int yPiece = Convert.ToInt32(height*y/(float)N - height/2f - height/2f/N);
    string name = "piece_" + x + "_" + y; 
    //Debug.Log(name + ": " + xPiece + "/" + yPiece);
    Rect uv = new Rect( (x-1)/(float)N,(y-1)/(float)N, 1/(float)N, 1/(float)N);
    CreateMesh(name,xPiece,yPiece,uv, width/N, height/N);
  Shuffle(); // shuffle pieces to make a puzzle
 GameObject CreateMesh(string meshName, int x, int y, Rect uv, int width, int height) {
  string assetFolder = "Assets";
  int anchorX=Convert.ToInt32(width/2);
  int anchorY=Convert.ToInt32(height/2);
  //Create Vertices
  Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
  //Create UVs
  Vector2[] UVs = new Vector2[4];
  //Two triangles of quad
  int[] Triangles = new int[6];
  //Assign vertices based on pivot
  Vertices[0].x = -anchorX;
  Vertices[0].y = -anchorY;
  Vertices[1].x = Vertices[0].x+width;
  Vertices[1].y = Vertices[0].y;
  Vertices[2].x = Vertices[0].x;
  Vertices[2].y = Vertices[0].y+height;
  Vertices[3].x = Vertices[0].x+width;
  Vertices[3].y = Vertices[0].y+height;
  Vector2[] uvs2 = new Vector2[]
            new Vector2(uv.x, uv.y),      //Bottom-left
            new Vector2(uv.x+uv.width, uv.y),    //Bottom-right
            new Vector2(uv.x, uv.y+uv.height),    //Top-left
            new Vector2(uv.x+uv.width, uv.y+uv.height),  //Top-right 
  //Assign triangles
  //Generate mesh
  Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
  mesh.name = meshName;
  mesh.vertices = Vertices;
  mesh.uv = uvs2;
  mesh.triangles = Triangles;
  //Create asset in database
  AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(assetFolder + "/" + meshName) + ".asset");
  //Create plane game object
  GameObject piece = new GameObject(meshName);
  MeshFilter meshFilter = (MeshFilter)piece.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
  //Assign mesh to mesh filter
  meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
  //Add a box collider component
  // place piece into designed coordinates
  piece.transform.Translate(new Vector3(x,y,200));
  // capture original position
  PositionData storage = piece.GetComponent();
  storage.OriginalPosition = piece.transform.position;
  var tempMaterial = new Material(piece.renderer.material); // 
  tempMaterial.mainTexture = Picture;
  piece.renderer.material = tempMaterial;

  //plane.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = Picture;
  piece.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("scene").transform;
  return piece;
 void Shuffle() {

Helper class
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Linq;

public static class Helper  {

 public static IEnumerable Shuffle(this IEnumerable enumerable)
     var r = new System.Random();
     return enumerable.OrderBy(x=>r.Next()).ToList();
 public static IEnumerable IteratePieces() {
  var parent = GameObject.Find("scene").transform;
  for (int i = 0; i < parent.childCount; ++i)
            var piece = parent.GetChild(i).gameObject;
   yield return piece;
 public static IEnumerable GetPositions(this IEnumerable enumerable) {
  return enumerable.Select (o=>o.transform.position);
 public static string ToString(this IEnumerable enumerable) {
  return string.Join (" ",enumerable.Select (i=>i.ToString()).ToArray());
 public static void ShuffleGameObjects() {
  var objects = Helper.IteratePieces().ToList();
  var positions = objects.GetPositions();
  var positionsShuffed = positions.Shuffle().ToList();
  for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) {
   objects[i].transform.position = positionsShuffed[i];
   PositionData storage = objects[i].GetComponent();
   storage.ShuffledPosition = positionsShuffed[i];

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